The first and main antecessor of Marginalia Project are the photos of one of its authors, Pedro Veneroso, produced with long an multiple exposure techniques.
The aesthetic accomplished by this technique – particularly known as light painting or light scribbling – guided some of the works developed individually and collectively by the authors and is currently the base for the development of Marginalia Project.
Basically, the photos are made with a long exposition interval in a dark environment, generally using a flashlight as lighting source. The use of multiple exposure also allows the superposition of distinct moments on the same photogram, with a change of set or of the position of the props, the camera or the photographer.
The combination of these techniques allows a wide variety of processes, such as drawing, montage and coloring, which are explored in different works.
cinqoutil - pedro veneroso
vider bleu - pedro veneroso
thé break - pedro veneroso
the ironer - pedro veneroso
les tasses volantes rencontrent le feu hors de la maison; elles ne parlent pas le hollandais - pedro veneroso
ainda não estava muito por dentro do projeto mas agora, lendo todos os posts, deu pra ter uma idéia bem mais clara.
achei muito bacana mesmo, quero conversar mais depois. principalmente sobre a parte técnica, como sabem sou de uma grande ignorante, mas com vontade de entender, bastante vontade.
postagem mais coisas, quero acompanhar de perto!
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