Chronotopic Anamorphosis - experiment

Chronotopic Anamorphosis from Marginalia Project on Vimeo.

It's also a part of marginalia project some parallel and autonomous projects developed by the group members. In this video it's demonstrated a software developed by André Mintz as a programming exercise.

The objective was to transpose to Processing programming environment [] to real time exibition, the effect created by Zbigniew Rybczynski in his movie "The Fourth Dimension", of 1988. The video image is fragmented into horizontal lines and then lines from different frames [different times] are combined in a same moment in the display, creating a distorsion effect from the movemente of people and objects throughout time. It's what Brazilian researcher Arlindo Machado calls 'Chronotopic Anamorphosis'.

The program still has some memory issues, causing some bugs in the image, specially when the image display is combined with video recording. We're working on this issue, but, meanwhile, it's still fun.

We'll soon make available a link to the code. For now, it can be accessed directly from Processing's forum.


Renato Mintz said...

Oi André, to achando MUITO bacana o caminho que vocês estão explorando, tão cheio de possibilidades! e esse negócio de passar pela fresta da porta é muito é DOIDO!

Anonymous said...

Actually it predates 1988. Yvgeny Mamut was doing it in the 70's, and Douglas Trumbull invented the concept of slit-scanning in the 1960's. You can see it in the movie 2001.

Here it is in a 1982 car commercial produced at R/Greenberg Associates in New York

Andrei Thomaz said...

caros André Mintz and Pedro Veneroso,

gostei muito de seus projetos e, ao mexer com um pouco de código em ActionScript para manipular imagens de webcam, me lembrei do projeto de vocês. O resultado está aqui:

um abraço,

Fred said...

Is there any way to use this NOT in real time.. like, when editing a video, in Premiere or something?
I'm aware that I'm a few years late.. but I'm really interested to know!

Jade Barnes said...

Greeat read