Hey guys, great work! Your marginalia project opens some new doors in my fantasy :> I don't know if u intend to share the source code for studying purposes. If so, please let me know!
Marginalia Project aims at creating works with uncommon approaches to technology, bringing its uses to an aesthetic - often critical, always ludic - perspective. Due to the integrants' background, the group's works deal mostly with images [moving or not], but its major focus is to work with people's relationship with technology, trying to overcome the typical interface we are used to while inserting diverse elements that change [sometimes in an inconvenient way] our operation of technological artifacts.
by André Mintz and Pedro Veneroso. Belo Horizonte, Brazil
marginalia's projects:
- Marginalia 1.0 BETA [interactive video installation prototype];
- Chronotopic Anamorphosis [software - hit at Vimeo with more than 180k views, 2008]; - Anamorfoses Cronotópicas [interactive video installation]; - Anamorfose I [interactive video installation];
exhibitions: - 'Marginalia 1.0 BETA', Technological Connections Festival, at the Latin-American Memorial. São Paulo, Brazil, 08/2009. - 'Anamorfoses Cronotópicas', Amostra Guignard de Vídeo, at Escola Guignard. Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 06/2009; - 'Anamorfose I', Siana Brazil 2009, at Galeria Mari'Stella Tristão, Palácio das Artes. Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 07/2009.
marginalia's future projects:
- Marginalia-lab [2009]. Project sponsored by Vivo through the State Law of Cultural Incentive;
- Marginalia 1.0 [2009-2010]. Project sponsored by Cemig through Filme em Minas, State Secretary of Culture of Minas Gerais, Federal Law of Cultural Incentive, Federal Government of Brazil; - portuñol cisductor [2009+]; - l'architecture d'un rêve: global implications [2009+]; - acaso, talvez [2009+].
parallel projects: - support to the scenic-audiovisual project PERTO, by Luis Sartori, Sanna Vellava [Finland] and André Mintz [marginalia project]. Performed in Belo Horizonte at the project C.A.S.A. em Obras, held by Cia. Suspensa and Armatrux, and at the 5th World Festival of Circus, Brazil, 2009; - video processing and consultancy by André Mintz for the installation Frame Seductions, by Pierre Proske [France / Australia]. Project developed and exhibited at the workshop Interactivos? Lima, 2009, held by Medialab-Prado, Escuelab and Centro Cultural España en Lima, at Lima, Peru, 2009;
- development of the system AETeletransporter for the project AEurásia. Video installation exhibited at Espaço 104, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2008;
events attended: - Siana Brasil 2009. International Week of Digital and Alternative Arts, held by Cia. Luna Lunera and UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2009. - Territórios Recombinantes. Held by Instituto Sérgio Motta, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2008; - Technological Connections Festival. Held by Instituto Sérgio Motta, São Paulo, Brazil, 2009.
- 1st prize at Festival Conexões Tecnológicas. Held by Instituto Sérgio Motta, São Paulo, Brazil. 2008;
Any donations to help Marginalia Project growing would be really appreciated [you can donate using PayPal by clicking the button below and following the instructions]. We are looking for sponsors, as well, that will be featured in this blog and every production related to the project [please contact us by e-mail].
1 comment:
Hey guys,
great work! Your marginalia project opens some new doors in my fantasy :> I don't know if u intend to share the source code for studying purposes. If so, please let me know!
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